Wednesday, August 6, 2008


This was the first leg of our ride. We all met up at the Tin Shed for breakfast Saturday morning at 8 am. We ate some grub, studied our maps, and hit the road slightly after 9 am. We left Portland by way of Foster Road to Damascus, on to Sandy, and ending up in Government Camp for a fuel break. As we rode up Mt. Hood, it got so cold and we realized we were all a little unprepared. After killing some time at Huckleberry's (until stores opened), Mike and wade bought heavier gloves and Wade bought long underwear. In the restroom at Huck's is where I spotted the graffiti that has become the namesake of our ride. Three dudes, 3 Balls. perfect...Anyhow- we had some more coffee, pooped, layered up, and went on our way to the next leg.

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