Saturday, August 9, 2008


After leaving Ukiah, we headed west and onto a very remote Forest Service road. This road was amazing, and took us up and over Black Mountain. Wade's bike actually died on him- which I think was a mix of the altitude and the shitty fuel we got in Ukiah... Anyways- it was a twisty ride pu and down the mountain and in to Heppner. As we headed to Condon, we started getting a few glimpses of this amazing stretch of road. Long boring straightaways that lead into switchbacks heading either up or down. There was one portion of the ride where I had to stop and try to snap a photo and document what I was looking at:
Of course this photo does the road no justice. We rode into Condon with the biggest grins ever. This stretch of road can't be explained- it has to be experienced. Truly unreal. Then we fueled up at Hatt's Fuel Stop and reflected on what the hell we just rode through.

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